Hello District 36-R Lions Clubs!
At the upcoming District Convention I will be giving a short overview presentation on using the free International provided e-clubhouse websites. I will also be reviewing all existing club websites and Facebook pages prior to the convention as part of the club awards.
While preparing for this, I’ve created a new page on the District 36-R website. A new “Club Websites” page now lists all District 36-R clubs and links to any existing websites and Facebook pages that I’ve found, so you can click through and check them out. A couple of clubs have a third party website, some clubs are using an e-clubhouse website, some clubs have a dormant e-clubhouse website and some clubs do not have any website. The e-clubhouse websites are easy to get and update! Even if your club doesn’t actively use a website for ongoing club activity information, you should be thinking of it as your online club brochure and keep it updated annually with basic club information. Your website is what people will find at the top of search results if they’re Googling your club.
There will not be a lot of time at the convention to get into all of the “how to” details, but if you’re working on your site now and have a question, let me know. I will also be adding some links to some tutorial resources to the new “Club Websites” page after the convention.
And… register for the convention now!
The Lions District 36-R website is build on the e-districthouse platform which is almost identical to the club’s e-clubhouse platform. The District website homepage is: https://e-district.org/sites/district_36_r/index.php