In 2024, the Yachats Lions Club launched a 14 date annual Speaker Series that is free to our community. For the months of February, March, and April, we feature a speaker on the 4th Sunday of the month. In May our speaker date is the 3rd Sunday, so we do not interfere with our annual Memorial Day Breakfast fundraiser. Once the Yachats Farmers Market starts, we feature speakers on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month through October.

Before COVID, we had occasionally hosted speakers and then decided that making this an annual series could bring more speaker activities to our community. We try to coordinate our events with the  Yachats Academy of Arts and Sciences but cannot always resolve conflicts due to scheduling conflicts with the speakers. We focus on local authors and speakers that can speak to topics that are relevant to the Central Coast of Oregon. Our goal is to increase the number of speakers that come to speak both to our local community members as well as the tourists that visit Yachats.

Doors open at 1:30pm and the speaker starts at 2:00pm. Talks are generally about one hour in length with ample time afterward for Q&A as well as discussions with the speaker. Often materials are brought for free distribution or sale by the speaker. A lite snack is served, along with coffee and tea and donations are always welcome but not required.